About The Client
Our client is one of the largest multi-national automotive manufacturers in the world.
The Challenge
Our client hosts a multi-destination annual incentive program for their dealership parts and service personnel. The challenge was the program’s thematic and look and feel. Each year it changed and never really tied back to the client’s overall branding. In addition, because this program offers winners multiple incentive travel destination choices, each destination communication took on a disparate look as well and didn’t tie back to the overarching parts and service incentive program. There were also limited communication touch points with participants beyond the initial program communication, which further hampered program engagement overall.
The Solution
Our goal was to create a dynamic campaign that directly connected the participants to the program’s identity, consistent with the client’s brand. To further solidify the program identity and increase its impact, we suggested a consistent program thematic that could be reused in subsequent years. We designed one creative treatment for the overarching program. It would also serve to support all incentive travel destination communication pieces. In essence, it would “waterfall” through all the connected communications pieces within the program for a cohesively branded look and feel.
Enrollment Website: Changes were made to the enrollment website giving it a more energetic feel with robust imagery. The home page had clean header graphics and a short video featuring the vibe of Aruba, Hawaii and Vancouver, helping build an emotional connection for the participant. The destination pages had a “Pinterest” feel with bold, beautiful images.

Additional Program Communications: To continue building momentum, enrolled participants received two graphic emails during the contest phase to thank them and encourage participation in the program. To spur enrollment before the close date, a final “push” message went to the remaining unregistered audience, nudging them once more that time was running out!

Destination Registration Websites: Those participants that hit their goals received a link to an incentive travel registration website with three destination choices; a couples’ trip, a family-oriented getaway, and an elite trip for those who earned the top tier. Each destination site was unique but also complementary to the overall program design.

Pre-Trip Packaging

The Outcome
Our marketing communications strategy was to improve the program’s identity by better connecting to the client’s brand messaging, which the client felt was achieved. Perhaps the biggest benefit was the cost savings realized by reusing the thematic each year and designing it as an overarching campaign vs. three disparate campaigns. We increased the number of participant “touchpoints” with the reallocation of design time by creating supplemental messaging and communication enhancements. This interactive and engaging, multi-pronged campaign enticed and informed participants throughout the qualification period, compelling more winners to achieve their goals.
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Strategic Creative Development of Program Communications